Irish Film Institute
Let's watch a classical film at the cinema!
Today we are going to visit one really traditional place in Dublin: The Irish Film Institute (formerly the Irish Film Centre), also known as the IFI, is both an arthouse cinema and a national body that supports Irish Film heritage. The IFI presents film festivals, retrospectives and curated seasons, along with independent, Irish and foreign language films overlooked by commercial multiplexes at its cinemas in the Temple Bar quarter of Dublin. It maintains an archive of Irish films and provides education in film culture.
At the end of the session, you will have:
- read and answered some questions about the Irish Film Institute.
- learnt the use of quantifiers a little/a few / a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.
- designed the final version of your campaign.
Would you like to know more about the Irish Film Institute? Do you usually go to the cinema? How often do you go to the cinema?
Click on the Irish Film Institute Official Website and try to find out the information (Read the questions and answer them):
- What can you buy at the IFI shop? (To find out, visit the "Shop" section).
- What time does the cafe-bar open? Do they serve the Sunday Brunch? (To find out, visit the "Cafe-Bar" section).
- How much do you have to pay to become an IFI member? How much if you have a concession? (To find out, visit the "Membership" section).
You have to answer these questions in your learning diary.
Remember to include this place at your Google Sites map.
Continue with your posts on Twitter (#campaign and #EDIAdublin). Choose some of the shops you would like to visit at the Market and tweet their names. You can also tweet the answer to the previous questions adding the link of your post. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.
We have got a little time left in Dublin
We use quantifiers quite a lot in English. We can use a few, a little, a lot and lots of to mean "not very much", "not very many" and "plenty of". The one you choose depends on whether the noun is countable or uncountable.
Let's read some more information about the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
And in order to learn more about quantifiers, do the following activity: few, little and lots of.
You can design a digital poster to explain the difference between both types of nouns and quantifiers. In order to design a good digital poster, you have to take into account the 'Rubric to assess a digital poster'.
Your task : The final version of your campaign
Task Step 5: Designing the final version of your campaign.
After having visited this cultural place at the heart of Dublin, it is now time to design the final version of your campaign you have been working on. Remember that it will be published at your learning diary and shared through Twitter.
Your teacher can help you with your doubts with the final details of your campaign.
Learning diary
Learning Diary. Step 7: Summarising all the steps taken so far in order to design your campaign.
After having finished the conversation in your interview, you have to revise all the work you have done so far in order to summarize all the steps you have followed.
In addition, you have to post the links and other resources that you have found in your research, at your "Learning Diary".
You can also share the link of the post of your learning diary through Twitter using the hashtag #taskcampaign The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.
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