Team sports and individual sports
At the end of this mission you should be able to: express your opinion about a topic in a debate.
We will work on listening, writing and speaking skills.
You will watch two videos about different kinds of sports and some explanations. With them you will complete the following chart to clarify and organize the vocabulary.
Let's complete the following chart in which you will classify the different sports depending on how we can practise them. This classification will be very useful for the next part of this mission.
You may do this work on your own notebook. Then it would be a great idea to make a post on your blog trying to give some examples of individual and team sports. Some images can be included on this post. Remember to use images with an open license.
If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember:
- You can use 280 characters.
- Include the link to your post.
- Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAsportjournalist
The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job.