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SSE Arena Belfast

Having fun in Belfast

We continue with our amazing trip to the magnificent city of Belfast. Your next stop now is at the SSE Arena

The complex consists of: a multipurpose arena, science centre and shopping centre. The shopping centre contains a movie theatre a bowling alley and a selection of restaurants. On 25th June 2015, it was announced the Arena would undergo a £3 million refurbishment and become the SSE Arena on 4th September 2015. The naming rights will last for at least 10 years.

Odyssey Arena, Belfast.
GeographBot. Odyssey Arena, Belfast. (CC BY-SA)

Discovering Belfast is becoming an unforgettable experience!

At the end of the session, you will have:

  • read about the Odyssey Arena and worked comparing the differences between past simple and past continuous.
  • organized information about Belfast at the Google site.
  • read an interview with a singer.

Why don't you take a look at what is on right now? Visit the official website of the SSE Arena. Which show would you choose? How much would you have to pay?

Before attending the concert you have chosen, you have to revise the use of the two verbal tenses you have worked with in this project.

Comparison between past simple and past continuous. (Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3).

Remember that the SSE Arena Belfast must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.

Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskinterview and #EDIAbelfast). Write a tweet telling The SSE Arena which show you like the most. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a great job at this social network.

Interview with Henry Smiles

In this project, the task consists of an interview in pairs talking about the last time you visited a shopping centre.

Check out this interview with this fictional character called Henry Smiles from Two Direction and complete the tasks to practise and improve your reading skills.

Read the following text and answer the true / false questions and the multiple choice about this interview: Interview with Henry Smiles.

After having done the activities, you have to write in your learning diary the summary of this interview with Henry Smiles. You also have to revise the summary of other classmates in order to suggest improvements in content and language.

In order to suggest and assess this written production, you can take a look at the 'Rubric to assess an explanatory text'.

Your task: interview about the last time you went to a shopping centre

Task.  Step 4: Improve your interview following the sample of the one to Henry Smiles 

After having read the interview to Henry Smiles, it is now your turn to revise the draft of your dialogue in order to include new questions and answers. 

Your challenge: Belfast at the Google Site

Challenge. Step 5: Organizing the Belfast entry at your Google Site

At this step, you have to finish the Belfast entry at the Google Site.

Each group ( 2 / 3 people) has to organize the information you have searched about Belfast at your Google Site. Creativity in the distibution of the contents is very important. The requirements to finish the entry are:

  • some text about what to do in the city,
  • and two links to printable guides, leaflets, brochures.

If your group considers that you can add more details to these requirements,you can freely add them to your site.

Learning Diary

Learning Diary. Step 5: Posting the link to your group's Google Site about the Belfast Challenge. 

Writing ToolsPeter O'Shea. Writing Tools (CC BY)

At this step, you have to write a post at your blog where you share the link of your challenge about Belfast. You also have to include a summary of which aspects you have changed, which you have kept and why.

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