At the end of this mission, you should be able to ask and answer about how to get to a place in a city.
We will work on listening, writing and speaking skills.
You have to watch this video about how to ask and answer when someone needs to get to a place in a city. Please, take notes about what you think is important in such a situation.
Now, it is time to work on something real. In the next link, you are going to find a map and some activities to do with it. Please, pay special attention to these activities and how to do them well, as you will then have to do the same with a map of your town: 'Places in a city'.
Speaking activity: How can I get .....?
Let’s meet a partner and work with him or her using a map of your town (or invent a good one in a piece of paper). Play your role: one of you is lost and the other one has to give directions to get to a place.
If you are a fast finisher or you want to have a special badge for this mission we are suggesting you go on an extra mission. This one will help you use all you have learned.
After planning and rehearsing the dialogue with your mate, why don't you video record it? This will be a good way of showing your learning. You can do it all year long with all the dialogues you produce; then you can have them into your portfolio and register all your learning. At the end of the project you will be able to check how much you have improved your English.
These tips can help you overcome the mission:
Let’s go out to the street.
One of you both will be the lost tourist with the map and the other one will be the citizen who is going to help.
You have to be polite so say 'Hello' to start the conversation and 'Thanks' when you are finished.
Use some of the structures you have learned during this mission.
The most important thing is being creative!
Then you can edit the clip with an online tool such as: Wevideo
Once you have finished your video, it would be very useful if you uploaded it to a website such as Youtube or Vimeo.
Prepositions of place may help you when you describe the points of interest in your city in the final challenge. So don't forget them please!!
Finally, to end with this mission, you can write a post into your blog showing what you have learned (prepositions of place) and the video you recorded. Don't forget the tag "Project my town".
If you want your teacher can spread your post using the classroom Twitter account. To do so, you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember: