A good first impression
When looking for a job, first present your CV, which contains your personal and academic details and your work experience, if any. More and more job candidates are sending their video curriculum to employers as it is a more attractive self-introduction than just a piece of paper. If the employer likes your CV, you may be called for a job interview.
At the end of this section, you will have:
- Listened to several video curricula.
- Practised questions to find out personal and professional information.
- Learnt how to behave at a job interview.
- Role-played a job interview.
Let us start this section by watching the videos of three people who are looking for a job.
- Watch Ana's video curriculum.
- Watch Adar's self-introduction.
- Watch Samantha's video curriculum.
After watching the videos, comment with your classmates on the good qualities of these people and suggest which jobs and work places are ideal for them.
As a company's boss, what questions would you like to ask to Ana, Adar and Samantha? With a partner, write a list of questions that you would like to ask to these people at a job interview. If you need some help, you can find relevant questions in the job interview document.
Now, watch Alexandra's video curriculum. What qualities and interests does Alexandra show about herself?
Pay attention to the questions that she asks to herself and add any that you think interesting to your list of questions.
Practise the questions and keep them for your next mission consisting of role-playing a job interview.