Talking about jobs
Do you think you have the right skills for carrying out your ideal job? What are these skills?
There are several jobs that may interest you for different reasons, but because of your age or lack of training you are not still allowed to do them. What is your dream job? What tasks does your dream job involve?
At the end of this section, you will have:
- Learnt and revised vocabulary related to jobs and job tasks.
- Listened to common jobs for teens.
- Described and compared jobs.
- Read about job adverts.
- Created a short video on your ideal job.
For a start, enter the Audio-lingua site and listen to Sam describing popular jobs among teenagers.
With a partner, comment on the points below.
- What jobs are mentioned?
- What do people do at these jobs?
- What qualities do you need to do these jobs?
- In your country, is there a limit of age to have these occupations?
Read the job list and agree with your partner on three jobs that you would like to do in the future. Comment on other tasks that you can perform at these jobs.
Open the Jobs for Business document and describe the jobs using the words provided. What skills do these jobs require? Comment your ideas with your partner.
Visit the eslgamesworld site and play a memory game related to job vocabulary. You can also revise and learn more job-related words at the site. Have more fun playing the Wheel of Fortune game based on jobs and work places at the eslgamesplus site.
Write your own list of the job nouns you have learnt and publish it on the 'key vocabulary' page of your Weebly site.
Do you think that you can do any job? Are you a Jack of all trades? With a partner, list a few jobs and answer the questions included in the job list document. Say why you like these jobs and make comparisons between them. Use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives, which you can revise at the learnenglish.britishcouncil site.
Do you agree with your partner on which jobs are more interesting or better?
Have some more practice using comparative and superlative adjectives to compare people at the document 'Comparing people'.
With your classmates, read the job adverts available at the Learn English teens site and make comparisons between the jobs.