Do you fancy going out this evening?
In Toronto, there is something similar to New York's Broadway: the Toronto Entertainment District. It normally comes to life in the evenings. This is the place that you must visit in order to see major theatre productions with the latest shows and musicals, concerts, and other performing arts.
There are also different kinds of restaurants and places for socializing, as well as hotels and shops. The main centre of activity in the Entertainment District is along King Street.

At the end of the session, you will have:
- used a thinking routine about the Toronto Entertainment District.
- learnt how to give recommendations with the modal verbs "should" and "ought to".
To start with, let’s begin with a thinking routine, about the Toronto Entertainment District. Look at the picture of the street.
After having viewed this picture of Toronto Entertainment District, answer these questions in your learning diary:
- What can you see?
- What kind of shops and places can you visit in this district?
- Do you think that a lot of people visit this district daily? When do they visit it?
You can obtain more information about what you can do in this district by visiting its official website.
Then, after visiting the website, answer the following questions:
- What kind of different activities can you do in this district?
- Do you have something similar where you live? Where do you have to go to have something to enjoy yourself?
- What does it make you wonder?
You have to answer these questions in your personal blog. The title of the post must be "Toronto Entertainment District Thinking Routine"
Remember that the Toronto Entertainment District and King Street must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.
Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskadvice and #EDIAtoronto). You have to answer these questions in your tweets: Do you like going out in the evening? What do you usually do? Who do you usually go out with? Do you usually go to a music concert? And to the cinema or the theatre? Have you ever been to an opera? The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.