Fish from all around the world!
Let's continue with our amazing trip to the awesome city of Toronto. Your next stop now is at Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, which is one of the newest attractions in Toronto.
This wonderful place contains all kinds of marine life and a huge underwater tunnel. Visitors can watch the ocean world go by all around them. This is a really good experience for all ages.
Visiting Toronto is becoming a truly unforgettable experience!

At the end of the session, you will have:
- surfed the Ripley's Aquarium of Canada website.
- organized information about Toronto at the Google site.
- read and answered questions about what a gap year is.
Visit the official Ripley's Aquarium of Canada website and select your favourite gallery. What can you see there? Which 'fishy fun fact' is there in that Gallery?
Remember that Ripley's Aquarium of Canada must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.
Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskadvice and #EDIAtoronto). Write a tweet telling which gallery you have chosen and why and add the URL of the fish gallery. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.