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At the market

Go Shopping

At the end of this mission you will be able: to identify and promote the benefits about eating vegetables and fruit. 

We will work the listening, writing and speaking skills.

Fruit at the market
Perla123. Frutas en mercado (Public Domain)

Let's create a picture dictionary with you classmates about the different shops in where you can buy food. Where can you buy fruit? And fish? And meat? .... Each shop has a special name.

You have to look for the name of  each shop at the net. With all the names you will create a Google SlideShow (or another kind) slide presentation with at least 6 slides, the first one will be the cover (title and authors). The each slide will have the same structure Title (the name of the shop), Photo (Remember to use Creative Commons ones), Sentences (At the ........ I can buy......).

You will include the presentation in the post of this mission, with it you will include the final product of the following task. 

If you can't use ICT tools to work on this task you can create a picture dictionary in your notebook. The 'Rubric to assess a slide presentation' will help you know how to do a great job. 

Eating healthy

Our daily life sometimes doesn't let us to eat healthy, but also sometime is because we don't like or maybe because we haven't tasted before. Eating healthy has lots of benefits. After knowing where can we buy, it would be very important to know what is healthier to help us to know what to buy, 

Healthy Breakfast Healthy morning (Dominio público)

Maybe we should read a bit more about the benefits of eating healthy. Check some web pages:

Sometimes it is needed to promote healthy eating with our classmates or our families. The final product of this mission will be to create a poster to promote healthy eating. Some points you should consider to create a good poster are:

  • Clear and short message.
  • Good pictures.
  • Attractive design. 
  • Important to say what to do to eat healthy and why it is important. 

You can use different free websites to create you poster. But just in case ICT access won't be able for you, let's make a big poster in a piece of cardboard with drawings and big titles. We propose you the following websites:

Your final product for this mission will be create the poster. It must be clear and attractive. short text with a title. The 'Rubric for a digital poster' will help you know how to do a great job. You can include the poster into you blog adding information about what your group work is. We also strongly recommend to include into your post the picture dictionary you have done in the previous task. 

Don't forget to identify your post with the tag "Project: A cookbook".

If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember: 

  • You can use 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post. 
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAcookbook.

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job. 

Before posting your text, ask your colleagues to check your work and make suggestions, corrections... You must do the same work with some of your mates' outcomes, too. Don't be afraid. Making mistakes is a good way to learn!

With all the knowledge it will be easier to know what are the best ingredients for the recipe of the final mission. 

Learning Diary

It's time to continue with your Learning Diary. Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and how to achieve it successfully. 

Writing tools

Peter O'SheaWriting tools (CC BY)

Let's go back to the Google Drive Document you opened in the previous mission as a Learning Diary. Below your previous writing you will create a new section entitled: "At the market". You will reflect about your learning using the following questions:

  • What are the most difficult aspects?
  • What tool was the most difficult for you to work with?
  • What do you think is the most important aspect you have learned?
  • Are there any aspects you did not understand?

Remember it would be great if you shared these feelings and thoughts with your classmates. You will have 10 or 15 minutes to complete this part.

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