Let's go to the beach today
Venice Beach is a neighbourhood of Los Angeles next to the sea. The place is known for its canals and its promenade, where various kinds of street performers entertain passers-by at all hours.
Venice Beach is also where bodybuilders show their muscles, as well as numerous beach volleyball and basketball courts. Surfers also love this place and there are a lot of murals on many of the buildings.

At the end of the session, you will have:
- visited Venice Beach in Los Angeles.
- known the difference in pronunciation between /ae/ - /a:/
- drawn the route of different landmarks at the Los Angeles google map.
Watch the info video of Venice Beach in its official website and enjoy all that this town can offer to you. After that, answer the following questions:
- Which museum do you consider the most interesting? (Visit Museum section)
- Which activity would you choose? (Visit Fitness section)
- How much would you have to pay in the City Parking Lots in winter? And in summer? (Visit Parking section)
Answer these questions in your learning diary. The title of the post has to be: "Welcome to Venice beach in California". Can you find more information about Venice Beach? Add at least two more URLs to your post at your learning diary about this popular place in Los Angeles.
After the visit, continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskwayoflife and #EDIAlosangeles). Do you think that Venice Beach is an interesting place to be visited? Would you go there for your summer holidays? Would you recommend it to your friends and relatives? Send a tweet adding also the hashtag #venicebeach emphasizing what you have liked the most about it. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.
Remember that Venice Beach must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.