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National Museum of Scotland

Visiting the museum

Walking around Edinburgh, you get to the National Museum of Scotland and you feel like visiting it. Its construction was started in 1861 and proceeded in phases, with some sections opening before others had even begun construction. The original extent of the building was finished in 1888. It contains collections covering Science and Technology, Natural History, and World Cultures.

What about you? Would you like to visit it?

At the end of the session, you will have:

  • known a little bit more about the pound sterling, the British currency,
  • revised how to use and practised the present continuous tense.
  • started your collaborative Google Site in groups, about the city of Edinburgh.

You finally decide to get into it and you have to pay for an entrance ticket. By now, you must have noticed that the official currency of Scotland and of the whole of the United Kingdom is not the Euro but the pound sterling.  

British money: pounds
George Hodan. British money: pounds (CC0)

To know a little bit more about this currency, check the information you can find at British Council - Currency  about this currency.

Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskposter and #EDIAedinburgh). Have you ever used the British currency? Would you like to visit the National Museum of Scotland? Any current exhibition?

You can also send them a tweet telling them that you have visited the museum virtually. Their official Twitter handle is @NtlMuseumsScotThe 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.

In this session, there is information about the challenge of this project. 

Remember that the National Museum of Scotland must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.

What are you doing in Edinburgh?

Are you enjoying your visit to Edinburgh? Where are you going next? In order to talk about what we are doing at the moment or in a near future, we use the present continuous in English.

EGG Present continuous.svg
Robbie Muffin. EGG Present continuous.svg (CC BY-SA)

If you need to revise this verbal tense, check 'Present Continuous' at British Council.

Then you can try with some different activities: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3. 

You have to answer these exercises in your blog and you can also share the link to your answers through Twitter. That way, another team can check your answers and make a comment about the assessment of your answers. Your teacher can help you with your doubts.

Challenge: English-speaking cities

Challenge Step 1: Open up a new Google Site and share it with your group

The challenge in this project is a Google site about English-speaking cities. In this challenge, we are going to work in groups of 2/3 people. The first step is to create the site using Google sites.

You can have extra help watching the following video about registering and using Google Sites. One of the members of the groups is going to be the leader and is going to open up the site and share it with the rest of the members of the group. Thus, the other members will be able to edit the site as well.

Bradley Lands. Google Sites Tutorial for Education (CC BY)
  • After having created the site, check that the whole group can edit it and start designing a landing page with the title English -Speaking Cities. In this first page, you have to describe what your group is going to create collaboratively: a website with information about 10 of the most important English - speaking cities in the world, one city per project.
  • If you have created the google site previously, using another project from this series, you only have to add a new page to your Google site with the title "Edinburgh". This is city we are going to work with at this project.
  • As you have to work in groups of 2/3 people, you can also use the lino website to brainstorm your ideas, collect your links and reach an agreement on which digital materials you are going to use at your Google Site for Edinburgh even though you are working at different locations.

It is now time to start working collaboratively with your group. Remember to always follow the steps. That way it will be easier for you to produce the final outcome of the challenge. Your teacher can always help you with your doubts.

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