Let's go for a walk!
We keep on visiting the wonderful city of Edinburgh. Now that you have visited some landmarks of the city, we get to one of the main streets in Edinburgh: Princes Street. At this stage, you have to continue with your first entry at the site of English-speaking cities.
At the end of the session, you will have:
- read and done some activities about a sport: skateboarding.
- started doing some research on your Google Site project.
- opened your Learning Diary and started writing your first post.

This street is so famous in Edinburgh that it already has its own website. You can visit all the different sections it contains: Princes Street in Edinburgh.
Take into account that Princes Street is going to be part of your Google Sites map.
Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskposter and #EDIAedinburgh). Would you like to walk along this busy street? Why? Why not? Do you prefer quieter streets? Tweet which is your opinion using the hashtags. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.
Remember that Princes Street must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.