Getting to the end of our journey!
Our journey to the city of London finishes at Trafalgar Square. Have you enjoyed the visit to this magnificent place in the city of London?
At this famous square, you can find the National Gallery, where there is a really important Art collection. It was founded in 1824 and contains more than 2,300 paintings.
At the end of the session, you will have:
- revised the use of "How often",
- listened to a conversation about things to do in London and done some comprehension activities,
- reflected on all the different tasks you have worked on at the Learning Diary.

Before finishing the final tasks at your learning diary, revise the use of "how often" when talking about present simple and frequency Revise the use of "How often"
Remember to include this place at your Google Site challenge.
Continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskopinion and #EDIAlondon). Try to explain, using simple words, what the National Gallery is. The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.