Strawberry fields in Central Park.
Central Park has the same size as 50 blocks in the middle of Manhattan, and it has a lot of different places to be visited. For example, you can visit the European-style Conservatory Gardens, or you can ride a paddleboat or gondola in the lake, visit Belvedere Castle or the statue of Alice in Wonderland, the carousel or the zoo.

At the end of the session, you will have:
- visited Central Park in New York.
- known the difference in pronunciation between /e/ and /ei/
- drawn the route of different landmarks at the New York google map.
Central Park has been a "character" in hundreds of American films. Do you remember any of these films? Have you watched any of them?
- Do you have a cinema screen near your house? Do you usually go there?
- Or do you prefer TV series? Which one/s is your favourite?
- Is there any cartoon that you used to watch when you were younger? And nowadays?
Answer these questions in your learning diary. The title of the post has to be: "Strawberry fields in New York". Can you find more information about the title of this post? Paste an URL with information about this issue in your learning diary also.
After the visit, continue with your posts on Twitter (#taskbiography and #EDIAnewyork). Do you like going to the cinema? Do you usually watch films at home? How often? Who do you watch them with? The 'Rubric to assess a Tweet' can help you do a good job in this social network.
Remember that Central Park must be part of the route at your Google Sites map.